Take 30 days challenges with Yoga Protocol and Control Your Diabetes

We Provide Free Yoga Sewa For Diabetic Patients by Highly Qualified And Experience Holder Yoga Experts

Our Yoga Protocols

Various Yoga Protocol for Diabetic Patients 

Yoga Protocol for Prevention of Diabetes
Yoga Protocol for Pre Diabetic Patients
Yoga Protocol for Insulin Dependent Diabetic Patients
Yoga Protocol for Diabetes with Spinal Disorders
Yoga Protocol for Diabetes with High & Low B.P
Yoga Protocol for Diabetes Type-1
Yoga Protocol for Diabetes with Thyroid Disorder
Yoga Protocol for Diabetes with Fatty Liver

About Me

Name: Dr. Ram Kishore

Profession: Yoga (Therapy and Education)

Education: PG Diploma in Yoga, PG in Yoga, PG in Philosophy, UGC NET-Yoga, UGC-NET Philosophy, ICPR-JRF, PhD-Yoga Philosophy.

Author: Yoga Science

Research Papers : 15

Work experience: 20 years.

Invited Guest Lecture : 150

Delivered Guest Lectures : Doordarshan, Akashvani, Income Tax, DIPAS/DRDO

Yoga Training Program and Camps : more than 200

Taught People : 20000

Main Institute of Services: DIPAS/DRDO, University of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh Sanskriti Sansthan, Nirvan Mental Hospital.

Current Workplace and Position: Asst. Professor, Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj University Kanpur.

Meet Our Team

Appreciations for our Services

Dr Ram Kishore has an excellent understanding of body systems and analytical ability to devise a solution to most problems. I often get into discussions on various physical fitness aspects; his ability to analyse and recommend, has impressed me. I have no hesitation whatsoever, in recommending him for any role of Yogic expert. I wish him success in all his endeavours.
Atul Kumar Gupta
IAS (Retd) Former Chief Secretary U.P.
Shri Ram Kishore has excellent knowledge in Yoga both in theory and practical and potential aptitude to teach yoga with required competence. He has been involved in-house yoga training programmes on DRDO personnel and armed forces at Base Camp, High Altitude areas He is humble friendly and cooperative with colleagues. He is a sincere & dedicated employees and bears good moral character I wish him success in all his endeavours
Dr. G. Ilavazhagan
Directore DIPAS
Shri Ram Kishore, Yoga Instructor of DIPAS (DRDO), Govt of India, Min of Defence detailed to impart Yoga training to troops deployed in High Altitude Area have done an excellent job in imparting the said training from 05 Jun 11 to 28 Jun 2011. He has excellent knowledge of Yoga both in theory and practical and also potential aptitude to teach yoga training to Armed Forces in various types of terrain. He is humble, friendly and cooperative with colleagues. I wish them success in all their endeavours.
Col Kunjinder Singh
Base Commander
WhatsApp For Bookings and Appointments

मानव मन उर्वर जमीन के समान है। इसमें जैसे विचार बोएंगे, वैसा ही सैकड़ो गुना वापस आएगा।